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Original Title: Double Standards
ISBN: 0671737600 (ISBN13: 9780671737603)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Nick Sinclair, Lauren Danner
Setting: Detroit, Michigan,1984(United States)
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Double Standards Paperback | Pages: 310 pages
Rating: 3.94 | 10906 Users | 419 Reviews

Relation During Books Double Standards

Librarian note: an alternate cover for this edition can be found here. In the exclusive, glittering world of business superstars, Nick Sinclair was a legend... The ruggedly handsome president of Global Industries handled his business the way he handled his women -- with charm, daring and ruthless self-control. A man used to the very best, Nick hired Lauren Danner, and assumed the proud beauty would soon be another easy conquest. But Lauren's flashing wit and rare spirit dazzled him -- and slowly, against his will, he was intrigued, challenged -- and in love. Yet Lauren was living a lie, a charade that became more dangerous with every passing moment. Trapped in a web of deceit, she fought her growing love for Nick. Her secret could destroy his fragile trust -- and the promise of life with the most compelling man she had ever met!

Details Regarding Books Double Standards

Title:Double Standards
Author:Judith McNaught
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 310 pages
Published:January 15th 1991 by Pocket Books (first published 1984)
Categories:Romance. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary. Fiction. Historical Romance. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Adult

Rating Regarding Books Double Standards
Ratings: 3.94 From 10906 Users | 419 Reviews

Write Up Regarding Books Double Standards
I was about to start reading this but it seems I have read it a few years ago and I wasn't impressed. Not sure why but I remember I didn't like the main characters.

EDIT: I really need to stop putting off reviews. This book was filled with really inappropriate office relationships.Banging the boss is normally a bad idea.Having a fake flirtation with your other boss to make the other one jealous is normally not something you should do.Nick (teh boss) is such a douche, and an asshole. He made me all ragey while reading this. Such an entitled brat. UGH. I prefer assholes in Bodice Rippers but not in regular romance. He also has some mother issues, which the

I read it and while I didn't love it, I didn't totally hate it. H was a pig and seduced the h cold bloodedly. He then dumped her and went back to his manwhore ways. I gave it two stars simply because the h made me laugh. When she said she would let him deflower her daughter when she came of age his reaction was priceless. I laughed so hard. He was a jerk and I wish he would have grovelled more. What really pissed me off is that he already had Made plans for three weeks off with another woman

As much as I loved this one, it kinda makes me wonder if JM actually wrote it because it lacks the maturity that I usually find her writing.As far as contemporary romance go, the story truly delivers. But there's no element of surprise as the plot is pretty cliche and cheesy. Not that it is bad thing, especially when your own love life is non-existence. So, this is a great book to be used as an escapism :) Maybe it is just me because I can't seem to get enough of JM's story, but I find the

I really enjoyed this one. I know that Paradise rates so much higher and is considered best of Judith McNaught contemporary romance but I have to disagree. I liked this one better. May be its because there wasnt so much work talk since this contemporary romance is old, no cell phones, people are using typewriters and women are wearing bolero, which is a clothing item most young people may not even recognize. Nick Sinclair is a modern rake, successful, very sexy and with a trail of admiring

BOOK IS NOT FOR EVERYONE AS THE HERO IS A BIG CHEATERHe sees nothing wrong with having multiple sex partner and he was with another after the heroine. So this book is now a big NOOOO FOR ME. I read this book when it first came out and thought it was AMAZING. IT'S REALLY NOT! However, the only good part of the whole book is when she talks down to him after he slept with somebody else after having sex with her. He tells her it's no big deal that it was her first time. Then, She tells him that he


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