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Point Epithetical Books What It is Like to Go to War

Title:What It is Like to Go to War
Author:Karl Marlantes
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 257 pages
Published:August 30th 2011 by Atlantic Monthly Press
Categories:Nonfiction. History. War. Military Fiction. Autobiography. Memoir. Biography
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What It is Like to Go to War Hardcover | Pages: 257 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 4741 Users | 737 Reviews

Chronicle Concering Books What It is Like to Go to War

From the author of the New York Times bestseller Matterhorn, this is a powerful nonfiction book about the experience of combat and how inadequately we prepare our young men and women for war.

War is as old as humankind, but in the past, warriors were prepared for battle by ritual, religion and literature -- which also helped bring them home. In a compelling narrative, Marlantes weaves riveting accounts of his combat experiences with thoughtful analysis, self-examination and his readings -- from Homer to the Mahabharata to Jung. He talks frankly about how he is haunted by the face of the young North Vietnamese soldier he killed at close quarters and how he finally finds a way to make peace with his past. Marlantes discusses the daily contradictions that warriors face in the grind of war, where each battle requires them to take life or spare life, and where they enter a state he likens to the fervor of religious ecstasy.

Just as Matterhorn is already being acclaimed as a classic of war literature, What It Is Like To Go To War is set to become required reading for anyone -- soldier or civilian -- interested in this visceral and all too essential part of the human experience.

Particularize Books Supposing What It is Like to Go to War

Original Title: What It Is Like to Go to War
ISBN: 0802119921 (ISBN13: 9780802119926)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Dayton Literary Peace Prize Nominee for Nonfiction (2012)

Rating Epithetical Books What It is Like to Go to War
Ratings: 3.98 From 4741 Users | 737 Reviews

Judge Epithetical Books What It is Like to Go to War
I first encountered Karl Marlantes while watching Ken Burns documentary The Vietnam War. I was impressed by what he had to say, and after reading What It Is Like To Go To War I can see that my first impression of him was the right one.This is a fascinating book - an odd but effective blend of memoir and carefully thought-out recommendations for helping soldiers to come to terms with the nature of their profession (and the killing it entails) and reintegrate with their societies when they return

"Matterhorn" was certainly a notable book, so I had to enter the giveaway for this one! Marlantes as usual did not disappoint, and the subject matter of his book is one that everyone should be deeply concerned about, especially with the high suicide rate for out returning soldiers.Marlantes provides a riveting account of what it is like to be sent to war and points out how ill-prepared our young men are. Previous generations spent years preparing warriors. Modern Americans should and could do

So, if a lifelong pacifist liberal says a book about how to train our soldiers is a "must read," it must be full of peacenik bullshit aimed at undermining the military, right? Believe me, though, when I say that's not the case with Karl Marlantes' What It Is Like to Go to War . Marlantes brings experience and knowledge to bear on something about which I know little to nothing. Yet I find the book so profound that I do call it a "must read," an appellation that rarely passes my lips.The list of

Vietnam veteran Karl Marlantes wrote this haunting nonfiction book about the realities and after effects of combat, in the context of both historical conflict and modern-day war.I had put this on my to-read list after reading a review of the book that earmarked it as one of the best insights into the modern-day warrior mind that the reviewer had ever read. Although I cant say Ive read every book in this genre in order to make that comparison myself, I can say that this bookand Marlantes personal

I didn't intend to read this book, but my boyfriend recently got it as an mp3 through the library, and since he never follows through on things he gets from the library, and the other mp3 I wanted to listen to was broken, I snagged this one on my way out the door one day because I have to listen to something while I walk the dogs or else I get sad.This was a bad choice to avoid sadness.About 20 mins into the walk I wanted to scrape my face off the sidewalk. I felt this heaviness in my chest and

Theres a reason why I tend to avoid autobiographical works. I have a preconception that they will be self-serving, arrogant, and opinionated. What It Is Like to Go to War proved to be an exception. While possibly a bit too spiritual to be realistically applied to the multitude of teens that typically occupy our trenches in times of war, the book was predominantly dead-on serious and true. What It Is Like to Go to War is written in a genuinely honest tone. There is a degree of self-degradation

Probably go so far as to say there was some over intellectualising going on here, but that aside, this book gave me many a valuable moment as it unlocks much of Matterhorn. The Marlantes fiction/memoir. Marlantes reveals in this non fiction book what you no doubt already suspected, that much of his fiction was based on truth and at times, danced very close to being an exact blow by blow of events.Many who know me on Goodreads, know that I lay my heart on the table in my review of Karl Marlantes


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