Books Download Online The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1) Free

Books Download Online The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1) Free
The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1) Paperback | Pages: 295 pages
Rating: 3.8 | 7565 Users | 575 Reviews

Present Books In Pursuance Of The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)

ISBN: 1402238622 (ISBN13: 9781402238628)
Edition Language: English
Series: Summer #1
Setting: The Hamptons, New York(United States) New York State(United States)
Literary Awards: RITA Award by Romance Writers of America Nominee for Young Adult Romance & Nominee for First Book (2011)

Representaion Concering Books The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)

There Are Some Summers You'll Always Remember Sometimes I wake up shivering in the early hours of the morning, drowning in dreams of being out there in the ocean that summer, of looking up at the moon and feeling as invisible and free as a fish. But I'm jumping ahead, and to tell the story right I have to go back to the beginning. To a place called Indigo Beach. To a boy with pale skin that glowed against the dark waves. To the start of something neither of us could have predicted, and which would mark us forever, making everything that came after and before seem like it belonged to another life. My name is Mia Gordon: I was sixteen years old, and I remember everything

Point Epithetical Books The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)

Title:The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)
Author:Amanda Howells
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 295 pages
Published:June 1st 2010 by Sourcebooks Fire
Categories:Young Adult. Romance. Contemporary. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Fiction. Young Adult Contemporary. Realistic Fiction

Rating Epithetical Books The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)
Ratings: 3.8 From 7565 Users | 575 Reviews

Crit Epithetical Books The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer #1)
this invoked all kinds of feels inside me.

My ratings were all over the board with this book. I finally settled with two, even though I wanted to just give it one a few times. It's funny, because for a while there I briefly tried to decide between 4 or 5 stars. In the first half Mia tries to fit in with her beautiful and rich cousins but doesn't do a good job. She tries to understand why she even cares about what they think. This part of the book was ok. Nothing really happens, but I'd rather be in Mia's head, than Beth's. I didn't like

It's 2:54 amI shouldn't be up since I'm waking up in just a few hours.I'm still sobbing.You know how sometimes you start a book with high expectations and then as you slowly sink into the first chapters, you just havethe feeling it's just not gonna be as good?That's what happened to me.Although I was completely blown away by how much alike Mia and I were,I just wasn't thrilled, I was just bored for the first 50, maybe 60 pages.But then I got to know Simon, who is a character I'm gonna remember,

Im a realist, I replied stubbornly, not a romantic. Romantics are always disappointed. Maybe theyre disappointed because theyre always surrounded by realists. Simon countered. Sooooo i think i loved this book until my brain cells started analyzing and investigating .so lets get on it , shall we ?The Summer of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells was surprisingly a likable read . i remember feeling bored to death and even considering abandoning it when suddenly things took an unexpected course and i

I bought this book after seeing it on sale in the Nook section and I saw that it had a lot of good reviews so I decided to purchase it and give it a chance. I honestly couldn't be more pleased with it! Mia and her family go to their family's vacation home for the summer. She's excited to see her cousin because they hadn't seen eachother in 3 years and they were pretty much like p.b. and j until just recently. She started noticing that her cousins emails, text and phone calls seemed shorter as

Dear Vickey, It is going to take a lot for me to ever read a book that you recommend to me again. This book was TERRIBLE and I'm not just talking about the ending (we'll get to that later). There was barely a plot to this story AT ALL. It was just a story of a girl spending her summer with her rich side of the family and not knowing where she fit in, until she meets a boy *dramatic gasp*....*eye roll*. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for cliches, but only when done right. Now, that ending.

I started reading this book because I was in the mood to read something light. I ended up crying my eyes out.The main character is 16-year-old Mia Gordon, whose family is going to spend the summer with their rich cousins in Hamptons. Mia cant wait to see her cousin Corinne. But when they arrive, she realizes that Corinne has changed (turned into a snobbish bitch). Corinnes sister and friends are even worse. Mia feels out of place until, at a rich kids party, she meets Simon.I thought the first


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