Online Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History Download Free

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Original Title: Nathaniel's Nutmeg
ISBN: 0340696761 (ISBN13: 9780340696767)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Nathaniel Courthope, Captain of the Swan
Online Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History  Download Free
Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History Paperback | Pages: 388 pages
Rating: 3.83 | 4021 Users | 345 Reviews

Be Specific About Containing Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History

Title:Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History
Author:Giles Milton
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 388 pages
Published:2005 by Sceptre (first published March 4th 1999)
Categories:History. Nonfiction. Food and Drink. Food. Travel. Adventure

Narration During Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History

The tiny island of Run is an insignificant speck in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago--remote, tranquil, and now largely ignored. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, however, Run's harvest of nutmeg turned it into the most lucrative of the Spice Islands, precipitating a fierce and bloody battle between the all-powerful Dutch East India Company and a small band of ragtag British adventurers led by the intrepid Nathaniel Courthope. The outcome of the fighting was one of the most spectacular deals in history: Britain ceded Run to Holland, but in return was given another small island, Manhattan. A brilliant adventure story of unthinkable hardship and savagery, the navigation of uncharted waters, and the exploitation of new worlds, Nathaniel's Nutmeg is a remarkable chapter in the history of the colonial powers.

Rating Containing Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History
Ratings: 3.83 From 4021 Users | 345 Reviews

Article Containing Books Nathaniel's Nutmeg: How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History

Extraordinary account of the spice trade and life aboard trading ships.

There was a time when people killed and died for nutmeg. Imagine that! Stinking nutmeg! Not even oregano or at least cinnamon. I must say on my list of things I would be willing to die for nutmeg is somewhere at the bottom, right before marmite. Nonetheless, The Dutch and the English and the Portuguese would fight relentlessly over the access to nutmeg. Apart from successfully killing the smell and taste of rotten meat, nutmeg was also known for curing just about anything from the plague to

I found this very disappointing for two reasons. I had previously read Samurai William which despite its flaws I had much enjoyed and the title and tag on the cover because this book does not live up to its cover. Nathaniel's is a very minor character in the book and Milton's hypothesis that his actions changed the course of history is not properly explored or supported by the book. It is obvious that a lot of research has been done and I did pick up a large number of curious facts and was

How is this book not more popular?! The story reads like Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Marco Polo all in one. For nearly a century, the greatest powers in Europe battled over a tiny patch of ocean on the other side of the world. Thousands of men died on the quest for spices that today we buy for pennies. Giles Milton weaves a thrilling tale and is especially gifted at finding the best direct quotes from period letters and documents. A must-read for any history buff!

This is an interesting recount of the history of English trade in the East and their battles with the Netherlands for supremacy over a small group of islands, the Bandas Islands, much coveted for their rich harvest of cloves, mace and nutmeg. Much credit must go to Milton who has managed to piece together this history despite the limited extant historical sources. This battle known as the 'spice race' which began in the late 16th century and lasted throughout the 17th century, as well as being

I do not normally read non-fiction, but my dad shoved this book into my hands after a recent visit and said "Read it" in hushed tones, as if this book contains all the hidden truths I could possibly need.Written like fiction, it follows the start of the spice trade between Europe and the east Indian islands (Indonesia), the ultimate birth of the East India trading company and the many many battled fought over control over this area between the English, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.It took me a


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