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Point Books As Pssst!

Original Title: Pssst!
ISBN: 0152058176 (ISBN13: 9780152058173)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Alabama Library Association Children's Book of the Year for 2-3 (2008)
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Pssst! Hardcover | Pages: 40 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 928 Users | 186 Reviews

Particularize Epithetical Books Pssst!

Author:Adam Rex
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 40 pages
Published:September 1st 2007 by Harcourt
Categories:Childrens. Picture Books. Animals. Humor

Ilustration To Books Pssst!

A child, a visit to the zoo, animals--sounds like good, simple all-American fun. But there’s something different about this zoo. These animals want things. Unusual things. What will they do with them?
Laughs, jokes, and surprises abound in this graphic picture book about a feisty, all-too-helpful little girl and her role in aiding and abetting zoo-animal shenanigans. Adam Rex once again reveals the hilarious hidden life of creatures we thought we knew well.

Rating Epithetical Books Pssst!
Ratings: 4.11 From 928 Users | 186 Reviews

Write-Up Epithetical Books Pssst!
A young girl's trip to the zoo takes an interesting turn as each of the animals calls her over with a "Psst!" to get her to come over so they can ask her to bring some special item that will make the animal's life better.The fonts and graphics after the first two animals might help younger readers to make some predictions about who is calling next. If I were to share this book in the classroom, I would probably use a document camera to display the zoo map found in the front and back of the book.

Children's picture books with no clear message always baffle me. I don't necessarily think they ALL need a lesson, but a clear meaning for the story is a good idea when reading to children.A little girl is at the zoo when various zoo animals Pssst! her over to them and ask her to bring them things. I chuckled at the dialogue, though.

A really fun book with humor extending throughout, from the inner covers featuring slightly different variations on the zoo map, a humorous author write up, and even a small joke on the end credits page. The interactions with all of the creatures are quite fun, and even the monochrome transitional scenes are full of plenty of wonderful visual humor. My only disappointment is that I first flipped through the book and therefore caught a glimpse of the animals' end goal. I think the result would

What Adam Rex can do with fonts blows my mind. Anyone with any interest in graphic design should read this book immediately. Also, this a really good story! A girl's trip to the zoo is continually interrupted by animals asking if she'll procure items for them on the sly. She agrees, to be helpful, because they all have such reasonable explanations of why they need flashlights, trash cans, bicycle helmets... or do they? I've rarely seen my husband laugh so much at a kids' book.

Very cute - these sneaky animals have a girl assist them in what she thinks are simple requests. But they might not be using the items for what she thinks!

Featured at An Abundance of BooksUsing a mix of colored pencils and paint (can't tell the type, only that the style is awesome), Rex tells the story of a little girl off to visit the zoo. Everything is going along in typical zoo fashion when she suddenly hears someone say "Pssst!". She looks around and all she sees is the gorilla. Surely not... yep, it's the gorilla. He's got a very simple request: he broke the tire on his tire swing and would like her to pick up a new one for him. Actually two,

So. Funny story. Someone recommended this to me as a unique comic or graphic novel involving animals. Welllll... it turned out to be a very short small childrens book! Honestly though, it is in comic format, and the story is short but sweet and actually made me LOL in a few places (like legitimately laugh. Out. Loud! Haha)... but besides that it is just a fun, imaginative little (very) short story that I genuinely enjoyed! Im not sure how to star rate a childrens book so đŸ¤·♀. But it really was


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