Free Download Island Beneath the Sea Books

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Island Beneath the Sea Hardcover | Pages: 457 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 31684 Users | 3161 Reviews

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Title:Island Beneath the Sea
Author:Isabel Allende
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 457 pages
Published:April 27th 2010 by Harper (first published August 25th 2009)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Magical Realism

Ilustration Concering Books Island Beneath the Sea

Born a slave on the island of Saint-Domingue, Zarité -- known as Tété -- is the daughter of an African mother she never knew and one of the white sailors who brought her into bondage. Though her childhood is one of brutality and fear, Tété finds solace in the traditional rhythms of African drums and in the voodoo loas she discovers through her fellow slaves.

When twenty-year-old Toulouse Valmorain arrives on the island in 1770, it’s with powdered wigs in his baggage and dreams of financial success in his mind. But running his father’s plantation, Saint-Lazare, is neither glamorous nor easy. It will be eight years before he brings home a bride -- but marriage, too, proves more difficult than he imagined. And Valmorain remains dependent on the services of his teenaged slave.

Spanning four decades, Island Beneath the Sea is the moving story of the intertwined lives of TĂ©tĂ© and Valmorain, and of one woman’s determination to find love amid loss, to offer humanity though her own has been battered, and to forge her own identity in the cruellest of circumstances.

Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden.

Declare Books Supposing Island Beneath the Sea

Original Title: La isla bajo el mar
ISBN: 0061988243 (ISBN13: 9780061988240)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Jean Lafitte, Zarité Sedella, Toulouse Valmorain, Violette Boisier, Sancho García del Solar, Maurice Valmorain, Rosette Sedella, Tante Rose, Dr. Parmentier, Loula
Setting: Saint-Domingue(Haiti)

Rating Out Of Books Island Beneath the Sea
Ratings: 4.05 From 31684 Users | 3161 Reviews

Appraise Out Of Books Island Beneath the Sea
This is $1.99 kindle special again today- I still own this book - loved it - packed filled with drama ...I'm reading Isabel Allende's new book right now - "In The Mist of Winter", not released yet -- and it's your pennies for it! Or get your name on the waitlist at the library. Older ... tiny comment: I just bought this book yesterday. It looks fantastic! I LOVE Isabel Allende. I like her fiction and non-fiction books.I'm also so excited....she will be speaking at a darling book

An insightful story about Haiti, New Orleans, slavery and surviving hardship. A stark reminder that slavery was an accepted business practice causing inexplicable behaviors. Well written (as always by Allende), exposing slave life, maternal love, and hope, through the main character, TeTe. A very good book.

An ambitious saga of personal lives and aspirations amid the violent transition of Haiti from a French colony founded on slavery into an independent republic at the turn of the 18th century. We are immersed in the story of the slave Zarité on a sugar plantation and how she learns to survive under its young aristocratic master Valmorain, who rapes her at 13 and fathers children by her. She eventually gains his respect and some independent agency as a caretaker of his white son. When the time of

First of all, I have to say I listened to the audiobook in Italian, read by an Italian actress who unfortunately did a terrible job. She read the whole thing with a tone of amused delight, which is the farthest she could possibly go from the horrific ugliness described in this book. So, please bear with me. It's not that I didn't like the story. It's the combination writer / reader that I really, really hated. As for the book itself, I am fascinated by the history of Haiti, but Allende's

The flyleaf review on this book promised that it was written with all kinds of "native wit and brio." sic. Well, I fear this surfeit of wit and brio was somehow waylaid between press and the bookstand, because I'm halfway through, and now hoping I can find the grim stamina to just hang on and finish this book that somehow manages to feel damp and depressing, even in the cheeriest of chapters. Allende uses language beautifully. She paints vivid word portraits of places and times I've never been

I've loved Isabel Allende since college. According to the New York Times, they had to create a whole new genre of fiction for her, "magical feminism," because magical realism was all male. This book, however, does not have that magical quality that her earlier writing has. It reads more like a newspaper account of the life of a slave as she moves from pre-revolutionary Haiti through the revolution and on to New Orleans with her master after he loses his plantation on Haiti.It's important stuff

Thursday evening, May 6th, I had the good fortune to attend a talk and reading by the most famous living Latin American author. Isabel Allende read from her new novel Island Beneath the Sea at the Atlanta History Center to an auditorium full of fans. She was a delight!!It had been years since someone had read to me and I had quite forgotten what a pleasure that can be. Author Allende reading her new book in her wonderful Latin American accent made for one of the most pleasurable evenings out I


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