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Original Title: Malevil
ISBN: 2070374440 (ISBN13: 9782070374441)
Edition Language: French
Characters: Emanuel Comte
Setting: France
Literary Awards: John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (1974)
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Malevil Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 635 pages
Rating: 4.25 | 3511 Users | 226 Reviews

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Ă€ la suite d'une explosion, sans doute nuclĂ©aire, qui a selon toute vraisemblance ravagĂ© la Terre entière, Emmanuel Comte et ses six compagnons font du chĂ¢teau de Malevil, dont la profonde cave leur a permis de survivre, la base de dĂ©part de leurs efforts de reconstruction de la civilisation, qui passera Ă©galement par l'affrontement avec d'autres groupes de survivants, que ce soient des bandes errantes ou des groupes structurĂ©s nomades ou sĂ©dentaires. La qualification de science-fiction peut Ăªtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme exagĂ©rĂ©e, concernant ce roman, puisque seule la situation de dĂ©part (la destruction de la civilisation humaine par une explosion d'origine inconnue) rejoint le thème post-apocalyptique, alors très populaire en science-fiction. Tout le reste du roman raconte comment un groupe de survivants miraculĂ©s relève le dĂ©fi de la reconstruction d'une sociĂ©tĂ© humaine. De ce point de vue, on peut dire que le roman relève du genre de la robinsonade. De nombreux thèmes sont abordĂ©s dans ce roman : la religion, la politique, la place des femmes dans la sociĂ©tĂ©, le monde rural, le rĂ´le du chef, certes sous l'angle d'une mini-communautĂ© mais qui renvoient Ă  notre sociĂ©tĂ©.

List Containing Books Malevil

Author:Robert Merle
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Folio
Pages:Pages: 635 pages
Published:March 3rd 1983 by Gallimard (first published April 7th 1972)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Apocalyptic. Post Apocalyptic. Dystopia. Cultural. France

Rating Containing Books Malevil
Ratings: 4.25 From 3511 Users | 226 Reviews

Crit Containing Books Malevil
It took me months to read this one, due to the amount of informations and emotions contained in it. I first watched the excellent movie inspired by it so I had to read the original material, as usual. This book, wrote by a french author in 1974, tells about what would be the life of survivors to an atomic explosion deep in the french countryside. This premice is so unusual it intrigued me a lot. The movie was excellent...and the book was too, even if there are some differences. The movie chose

I love this book, and have read it at least three times. It really makes you think about what life would be like if you were one of the few to survive the apocalypse. It was written in the 1970s and is sexist, but the storyline is very interesting! Unfortunately this book is now out of print (and I'm not giving up my copy!).

What a mess.I really need to do better research on what novel I will read next aloud to my wife, especially when said work is on the wrong side of 500+ pages. Ostensibly, this stinker looked to have all of the right pieces of a ripping yarn - even if it might be dated (early '70s) and containing an overdone topic (survivors of nuclear holocaust), the high ratings here on GR and the "23 WEEKS ON INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER'S LIST!!" prominently displayed on its cover pushed it over the edge. God,

It's a brilliant book. I don't understand how Merle accomplished writing about the end of human race with such humor.

Fantastic impression made on me by this book read decades ago. A clever unfolding of the story of a new society organized by survivors of a world catastrophe. Some live in a cave in France, one stocked with wine, vegetables and livestock, making the calamity more palatable than most people might expect. Solid storytelling and thoughts on human civilization. With the passage of time and thousands of books read, I'm inclined to leave this book in my past rather than revisit it and discover what

Malevil by Robert MerleWritten 1972 and translated from the original French in 1973.Although written in the early 70's, there is nothing dated about this tale of survival under the worst conditions possible visited on the planet. Most are familiar with this sort of novel. Odd pockets of civilization survive the ultimate destruction. A battle that gives no warning, no vibes at all. There were no preparations to make, because Who Knew?, which is probably the most..."democratic" way to begin. With

The story here was compelling, but the book itself was very problematic. The female characters existed solely to cook, clean, and make babies. They did these 3 things while the men had adventures. The women were kept out of the governing of both the castle and the town, explicitly so the town at the end. This is one of my father's 3 favorite books, and I can see why, which is why I continued with it and didn't give it one star, because the story was original and compelling. But... I just can't


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