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Author:Patricia McCormick
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 268 pages
Published:September 15th 2006 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (first published September 1st 2006)
Categories:Young Adult. Fiction. Realistic Fiction. Poetry. Historical. Historical Fiction. Teen. Sociology. Abuse
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Sold Hardcover | Pages: 268 pages
Rating: 4.21 | 49179 Users | 5900 Reviews

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Lakshmi is a thirteen-year-old girl who lives with her family in a small hut in the mountains of Nepal. Her family is desperately poor, but her life is full of simple pleasures, like raising her black-and-white speckled goat, and having her mother brush her hair by the light of an oil lamp. But when the harsh Himalayan monsoons wash away all that remains of the family’s crops, Lakshmi’s stepfather says she must leave home and take a job to support her family. He introduces her to a glamorous stranger who tells her she will find her a job as a maid working for a wealthy woman in the city. Glad to be able to help, Lakshmi undertakes the long journey to India and arrives at “Happiness House” full of hope. But she soon learns the unthinkable truth: she has been sold into prostitution. An old woman named Mumtaz rules the brothel with cruelty and cunning. She tells Lakshmi that she is trapped there until she can pay off her family’s debt – then cheats Lakshmi of her meager earnings so that she can never leave. Lakshmi’s life becomes a nightmare from which she cannot escape. Still, she lives by her mother’s words – “Simply to endure is to triumph” – and gradually, she forms friendships with the other girls that enable her to survive in this terrifying new world. Then the day comes when she must make a decision – will she risk everything for a chance to reclaim her life? Written in spare and evocative vignettes, this powerful novel renders a world that is as unimaginable as it is real, and a girl who not only survives but triumphs.

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Original Title: Sold
ISBN: 0786851716 (ISBN13: 9780786851713)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Nepal
Literary Awards: South Carolina Book Award Nominee for Young Adult Book Award (2009), Rhode Island Teen Book Award Nominee (2008), Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis Nominee for Jugendbuch (2009), California Young Readers Medal for Young Adult (2009), Lincoln Award Nominee (2009) James Cook Book Award Nominee (2007), National Book Award Finalist for Young People's Literature (2006), Missouri Gateway Readers Award Nominee (2009)

Rating Epithetical Books Sold
Ratings: 4.21 From 49179 Users | 5900 Reviews

Column Epithetical Books Sold
I don't enjoy writing long reviews. I did really enjoy this book. As a warning, do not have ANY intentions of putting this book down. I was reading it the night after a long flight from the US to the UK, and I thought, "I'll read some before I go to bed." I got to the halfway mark and thought, "Well, what's the harm in reading some more?"And then it was over. Meaning I had spent far longer than I had intended to reading, and the book had been finished in two sittings--one on the plane and one in

A heart-wrenching tale of freedom and its absence. Sometimes it would be difficult to turn the pages, because I feared what horrors lay in store for Lakshmi. After reading the tale of this one girl having to face such abominable cruelty, I shuddered at the thought of how many such Lakshmis are suffering the same horrors, having been sold into slavery across the border by their own countrymen or family. It's just brutal.I think this is such a strong tale not only because of what the girls face,

I read through this very fast. What a poignant story. My heart was broken with all Lakshmi went through. I know this is a work of fiction, but this crap still happens to this day. We even have this stuff happening here in Canada in a city close to us. This stuff should not still be happening. It is horrid and disgusting.

While this is a quick read, it does pack quite a bit of punch. This book opens your eyes to what's going on in the world. I think everyone needs to take some time to read this one.

Beautifully-written with much heartache for these young girls who are sold into prostitution by their families. Sometimes they are sold because of extreme poverty and all money must be spent on the Males of the family. But sometimes, as in the book, they are sold just because the Male wants a new winter coat and a girl is just money wasted in feeding her when she could be sold for cash and no expenses in the future. The saddest part of the book is the girls weren't "working" for money even. But

I know that this book is young adult and fiction, but it crawled up my skin as I read about a girl who had hope for more but received nothing but pain and suffering. It is a dog eat dog world and she was handed over to be eaten alive. She is from a village where men walk on water and the women fill their buckets up constantly to make sure the river men walk on stays full. She came from nothing and got treated worse when her stepfather sold her off for some bucks. She was raped while drugged and

Oh My. What a heartbreaker of a story. So hard to imagine these acts of horror exist in our world today. The survivor's are amazing young women.


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