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The Secret of Ventriloquism Kindle Edition | Pages: 198 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 959 Users | 194 Reviews

Present Books Concering The Secret of Ventriloquism

Edition Language: English

Chronicle Toward Books The Secret of Ventriloquism

Jon Padgett's The Secret of Ventriloquism, named the Best Fiction Book of 2016 by Rue Morgue Magazine, heralds the arrival of a significant new literary talent. With themes reminiscent of Shirley Jackson, Thomas Ligotti, and Bruno Schulz, but with a strikingly unique vision, Padgett's work explores the mystery of human suffering, the agony of personal existence, and the ghastly means by which someone might achieve salvation from both. A bullied child seeks vengeance within a bed's hollow box spring. A lucid dreamer is haunted by an impossible house. A dummy reveals its own anatomy in 20 simple steps. A stuttering librarian holds the key to a mill town's unspeakable secrets. A commuter's worldview is shattered by two words printed on a cardboard sign. An aspiring ventriloquist spends a little too much time looking at himself in a mirror. And a presence speaks through them all. Contents: Introduction by Matt Cardin The Mindfulness of Horror Practice Murmurs of a Voice Foreknown The Indoor Swamp Origami Dreams 20 Simple Steps to Ventriloquism Infusorium Organ Void The Secret of Ventriloquism Escape to Thin Mountain

Specify Of Books The Secret of Ventriloquism

Title:The Secret of Ventriloquism
Author:Jon Padgett
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 198 pages
Published:January 20th 2017 by Dunhams Manor Press (first published October 31st 2016)
Categories:Horror. Short Stories. Fantasy. Weird Fiction. Fiction

Rating Of Books The Secret of Ventriloquism
Ratings: 4.03 From 959 Users | 194 Reviews

Notice Of Books The Secret of Ventriloquism
I cannot think better way to start this 2017 New Year than with a good book. And with Jon Padgets The Secret of Ventriloquism, which is published by Dunhams Manor Press , I have found a real winner.The book is a collection of Mr. Padgets short stories and a play, now packaged all together in a single volume that should be sought out. Not only does the book offer a fantastic dust jacket, there are also some nice interior illustrations by Dave Felton. And for those that do not know the name Jon

I'm sure that this book will appeal to all those of an ideological and censorious Leftist persuasion. Whether that constitutes a recommendation or not depends on your own personal outlook.

This is an incredible collection, both dark and imaginative. Also, even though this is a collection of short stories rather than a single novel, it very effectively uses repeated motifs and common set-pieces to posit its very own mythos of lesser and greater ventriloquists. Lesser ventriloquists are those we're familiar with, voice throwers and puppeteers, the greater variety? They can make dummies of the very world around them, pulling peoples strings to tragic and devastating effect. The

I almost bought this in the limited-edition numbered hardcover. Alas, I waited too long and only got the signed softcover. I regret that decision now. Really regret it, deep down in my bones. Had I known that this collection, this book was going to be so strong, I would have dropped the cash in a heartbeat. I've been reading a lot of short fiction collections lately, and this is among the best I've read in recent memory, which is saying something, as I've read some great ones. So, without

Why the long face? Life got you down? Something eating at you? You say its Horror Week and you have nothing to read? Fret not, my friend, for theres a simple solution to all of those problems. What if I could show you how all of lifes troubles are merely a trifle. Doesnt that sound appealing? And no, its not Chicken Soup for the Soul, but merely 20 Simple Steps to Ventriloquism. It may sound crazy at first, but if you stick with it I promise, before you know it, all those troubles will be

A dark and brooding collection of Ligotti inspired shorts. Make no mistake about it though, the superb writing and brooding atmosphere is all Padgett. Plus, everybody knows ventriloquist dummies are fucking creepy. Ligotti would be proud.


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