Books Online Free Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3)) Download

Details Books Conducive To Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))

Original Title: Fortune's Favorites
ISBN: 0380710838 (ISBN13: 9780380710836)
Edition Language: English
Series: Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3), Masters of Rome #3
Characters: Spartacus, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Marcus Licinius Crassus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Tullius Cicero
Books Online Free Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3)) Download
Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3)) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 1072 pages
Rating: 4.36 | 6959 Users | 172 Reviews

Describe Appertaining To Books Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))

Title:Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))
Author:Colleen McCullough
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 1072 pages
Published:1994 by Avon (first published 1993)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction

Narration In Pursuance Of Books Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))

They were blessed by the gods at birth with wealth and privilege. In a time of cataclysmic upheaval, a bold new generation of Romans vied for greatness amid the disintegrating remnants of their beloved Republic. But there was one who towered above them all -- a brilliant and beautiful boy whose ambition was unequaled, whose love was legend and whose glory was Rome's. A boy they would one day call "Caesar."

Rating Appertaining To Books Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))
Ratings: 4.36 From 6959 Users | 172 Reviews

Crit Appertaining To Books Fortune's Favorites (Gospodari Rima #1 (Part 3 of 3))
I love Sulla! Apparently he was a fantastic man, based on the fictional version of him in this book, based on research. The first half of this book covers his last years and it is so interesting. The last half is about the rise of Pompey and Crassus, with Caesar growing into his role as honored Patrician. Also included in the novel is the brutal story of Spartacus, a wondrous true tale, only vaguely followed by the famous Big Hollywood movie most of us have seen. History is so complex and weird.

This third volume of McCullough's 'Masters of Rome' series concerns Lucius Cornelius Sulla's rise to Dictator of Rome and his eventual retirement, as well as the budding careers of both Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar. I enjoyed this work more than the second book, but not quite as much as the first. I have to keep reminding myself that it's fiction, because the minute details seem very real.

This series is getting exhausting to read. Another book of around 1000+ pages. The author stays consistent with the format of the two earlier books. Her style of writing is more like a historian writing fiction rather than the other way around. it is a difficult and a laborious read especially for a modern reader. The language used has a lot of 'roman' terms and hence it may not be a simple read. She also goes into a lot of details on the working of the Senate and issues which may have mattered

I am always in awe of Ms. McCullough in how she brings history alive and how extensive is her research and how accurate she records historical events for a work of fiction. Fortunes Favorite begins with the death of Gaius Marius 7 times Consular and third man of Rome. Sulla is marching on Rome and installs himself as Dictator. We see a rise in power of Pompey Magnus and Marcus Licinius Crassus. after Pompey finally defeats Quintus Sertorius after suffering a humiliating defeat in Spain and

The third book in Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome Series that began with The First Man in Rome, Fortune's Favorites covers the period from 83-69 B.C. It picks up shortly after The Grass Crown left off. Lucius Cornelius Sulla has defeated King Mithridates of Pontus and expelled him from the Asia Province, and is headed home with the intention of becoming Dictator of Rome. While Sulla's career has reached its peak, Gaius Julius Caesar has just come of age. Caesar's adventures are mythic: from

Solid writing, and no regrets on reading it, but I can't claim that this book was able to hold my entire attention for all 1000 pages, since between the time I started this one and finished it, I managed to read upwards of 20 other books. I blame it on all those campaigns people go marching off on, I just tend to lose interest when they go marching off, however delightfully drawn the characters of Pompey and Caesar are.

Amazing. So much information in such an interesting story. If I didn't have 3 library books waiting I'd jump right into the next book in the series.


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